Heath Hayes Primary Academy is consulting on the opportunity to open a nursery provision for 3 and 4 year olds from September 2025. The nursery will offer 30 FTE places which will accommodate funded and paid for hours. In order to facilitate this, REAch2 Academy Trust is applying for capital funding via the Department For Education’s School Based Nurseries Capital Grant 2024-25. The grant funding will be used to adapt two existing rooms into one large nursery room, adding nursery toilets, a kitchen and staff accessible toilet. We will also make adaptations to the external area to enhance the provision and offer free-flow learning.

The consultation will run from 27th November 2024 to 5pm on the 17th December 2024.

If you would like to provide feedback to this consultation, you can do so by following this link REAch2 Nursery Consultation Form