At Heath Hayes, we are committed to nurturing a culture of sustainability, empowering our pupils to become environmentally conscious citizens. Our dedicated Eco Warriors team, comprised of passionate staff and pupils, leads the way in championing green initiatives and fostering a sense of responsibility towards our planet.

Through regular Forest School sessions and outdoor learning opportunities, children connect with nature, developing a deeper appreciation for the environment. From composting organic waste to supporting biodiversity with our thriving school chickens and an exciting bee-keeping project in development, we are embedding sustainability into everyday life.

Our staff are proud to be Carbon Literacy trained, equipping us with the tools to make informed decisions about reducing our carbon footprint. As an Active Travel School, our Travel Ambassadors encourage pupils to walk, scoot, or bike to school, promoting healthy habits and reducing vehicular emissions.

Together, we are creating a greener, more sustainable future—one small step at a time.