
Accessibility Plan

Admissions 2025-2026

Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption

Asbestos Management

Attendance, Absence and Punctuality



Charging and Remissions

Child-friendly Safeguarding


Conflicts of Interest

Designated Teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children (LAC)

Digital and Online Safety

Dignity at Work


Donations and Fundraising

Early Career Teacher Induction

Educational Visits


Equality and Diversity

Financial Scheme of Delegation

Fire safety – Schools

First Aid Needs – Schools

Flexible Working

Gifts, Hospitality and Anti-bribery


Health and Safety – Schools

Health and Safety – Trust

Hero’s Curriculum

Home Visits 

Information and Records Retention

Information Security

Intimate Care

Lettings (coming soon)

Managing Sickness Absence

Maternity, Paternity and Adoption (coming soon)

Missing Pupils

Non-Paid Staff Expenses


Peer on Peer Abuse

Pensions Discretions

Performance Appraisal


Privacy Notice – Employees

Privacy Notice – Parents

Privacy Notice – COVID addendum

Probation (coming soon)

Procurement and Competitive Tendering

Pupils with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicine

Redundancy and Restructure (coming soon)

Relationships and Health Education


Risk Assessments – Schools

Safeguarding and Child Protection2023 – 2024

Safer Recruitment and Selection 2023 – 2024

School Exclusion

Social Emotional Well-being Sept 2023

Social Media

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Special Leave of Absence

Staff Expenses

Students & Volunteers

Sun Safe

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Children Who Cannot Attend School

Technology – Acceptable Usage Agreement – Parents and Carers

Technology – Acceptable Usage Agreement – KS1 Pupils

Technology – Acceptable Usage Agreement – KS2 Pupils


Visiting Speakers



We have an Incident Management Plan to ensure the staff and children are properly protected and prepared in the event of a sudden crisis or emergency. This is available upon request.