
At Heath Hayes Primary Academy, our approach to teaching Science is grounded in fostering a progressive development of enquiry skills across all year groups. We focus on seven core skills: asking questions, making predictions, setting up tests, observing and measuring, recording data, interpreting and communicating results, and evaluating. Each year, students build on these skills through engaging lessons, with their learning journey showcased in class floor books, featuring both their work and photographs of key activities.

Each class also studies a significant person from the world of Science, deepening their understanding of the subject’s history and real-world applications. A growing bank of scientific vocabulary is introduced and reinforced year by year, helping students become confident communicators of their knowledge. These Science lessons are intertwined with the children’s adventures, further expanding their curiosity and understanding of the world around them.


Marvellous Me!

Our ‘all about me’ adventure focuses on families, a sense of self, belonging and a healthy lifestyle. Science learning opportunities for understanding and classifying animals including humans are facilitated for.

Green Fingers

Our Key Stage 1 pioneers will take an insight into identifying and classifying living things throughout the ‘Green Fingers’ adventure. With the opportunity to grow and tend to their own garden, children can achieve 11B411 promise ‘Seeds to Supper’. Using fieldwork and observational skills, children will use drawing and printing to showcase learning through a medium of Art & Design.

Circle of Life

Hakuna Matata ’no worries’ is a theme shared within this adventure inspired by the Lion King. With Science as a core focus for learning, children will study animals including humans, and living things and their habitats. They will also experiment with sounds with tuned and untuned instruments. See our learning in a knowledge organiser below!

KS1 The Circle of Life Knowledge Organiser

Wriggle and Crawl

Centred around Science and all things minibeasts, this adventure will have children discovering what lies beneath the undergrowth. Following extensive research, fieldwork and observations, new knowledge will support children in designing a product fit for purpose, with one type of audience in mind—bugs!

Stripes, Spots and Scales

This Science adventure allows learners to apply knowledge of animals including humans and living this and their habitats to a variety of creatures found across the world. Looking in depth at animal descriptions, key statistics and facts, children will become expert zoologists!



Planet Earth

A classroom of mini Attenborough’s will take on the challenge of understanding the complex planet we live on. Using a range of scientific knowledge children will under-stand plants, animals and humans and where in the world they reside.

Make Me a Mechanism

In this hands-on adventure, children will create their own mechanisms using a variety of DT skills. Following a specified mission, success criteria and overall goal, learners will combine innovation, research and investigations in order to deliver within this adventure.

The Big Bang

Following the long-story Christian creation story, children will draw comparisons with scientists ‘big bang theory’. The opportunity to raise questions which cause learners to wonder and investigate will be plentiful within this adventure. Being predominantly based around the religious story of creation, children will be able to represent their learning through description and music.

Eco Heroes

Reduce, reuse, recycle that is moto of our Eco-Heroes! Children will embark on a mission to explore what we can do to become more eco-friendly. What impact do our actions have on our planet? Our Eco Heroes are determined to find out by using their geography and computing skills. They will also examine the ethical problems we face today. Will they succeed on their eco mission?

Go With the Flow

Flow down the river and through the skies exploring the water cycle. Children will become geographers and scientists in order to investigate how the water cycle works. Focussing on investigations, hypothesise and observations learners will examine stages of the water cycle changing variables to generate discussion and intrigue.

Welcome to Snape’s Potions Class

Do you dare to enter Snape’s dungeon? Snape is leading a potion challenge which requires scientific working. Children will participate in testing, experiments and observations whilst filling bubbling cauldrons. Learners will be able to step into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in, exploring castle settings, famous characters and the infamous ‘he who must not be named’.


With a hearty combination of Computing, Science, Music and Art & Design children will ‘create some-thing beautiful’ achieving an 11B411 promise. With the opportunity to become inspirational scientists, children will hypothesise, test and evaluate findings. This will lead to a chance to present their creations!



Power of the Sun

Our mighty Sun is the centre of the solar system but how much do we really know about it? In this adventure, children will use all of their science skills to understand how the sun impacts on our daily lives, from providing us light to helping grow food. They will also investigate the depths of space and how our sun is vital within our solar system.

Scream Machine

Scream if you want to go faster in this thrilling adventure. Create an innovative, fun-filled theme park that will capture the attention of people for miles around. Children will design, make and evaluate their designs for a theme park, use computing skills to brand and market their park and try powering up their rides with electricity!

Blood, Bodies & Bones

The core subject for blood, bones and bodies is Science. This adventure looks at comparisons of living things as well as deeper learning on the circulatory system and how to keep healthy. This adventure will provide opportunities for children to explore balance lifestyles, exercise and healthy diets.

SAS: Who Dares Wins

An adventure based on self-goal setting and ambition to succeed. With Science as a core basis for learning, SAS: Who Dares Wins looks at taking on challenges, being resilient and having a firm sense of self. This adventure results in a showcase of talents and achievements.

Darwin’s Delights

Ship Ahoy! We’re off on an exciting expedition with Charles Darwin and his crew on HMS Beagle. Can you trace his route across the vast ocean? Stop at the magical Galápagos Islands to see the amazing species that helped Darwin develop his theory of evolution by natural selection. Putting together a survival kit with their mission for expedition in mind, learners will be thoroughly enthused!

I’m a Pupil, Get Me Outta Here

Bush tucker trials, winning stars and facing your fears are what this adventure is about! Children will learn about animals and nature as they get ready to tackle the wilderness themselves when they sleep under the stars for the night. Will everyone survive or will they declare ‘I’m a pupil get me outta here!’